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Report a Change

Covered California

If information that you put on your application changes during the year, you must report it. Changes in things like address, family size and income can affect whether you qualify for Medi-Cal or qualify to get help paying for your health insurance through Covered California. Many will also be receiving stimulus payments due to the coronavirus that can affect their income.


If you have Medi-Cal, you must report changes to your local county office within 10 days of the change. If you have health insurance through Covered California, you must report changes within 30 days.

You must report a change if you:

  • Get married or divorced.

  • Have a child, adopt a child or place a child for adoption.

  • Have a change in income.

  • Get health coverage through a job or a program like Medicare or Medi-Cal.

  • Move.

  • Have a change in disability status.

  • Gain or lose a dependent.

  • Have a change in tax filing status.

  • Have a change in citizenship or immigration status.

  • Are incarcerated or released from incarceration.

  • Have a change in status as an American Indian or Alaska Native or change your tribal status.

  • Have a correction to your name, date of birth or Social Security number.

  • Experience any other changes that may affect your income and household size.


Special note: Covered California does not require members to report a pregnancy. If you are an existing Covered California member, it is not necessary or recommended to report a pregnancy unless you are interested in other coverage options for pregnant women such as Medi-Cal or the Medi-Cal Access Program. Detailed information related to pregnancy coverage can be found here.


To report changes, call one of our certified insurance agents at (800) 650-0922

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